Thursday, November 15, 2012

Gone Clubbin'

Over the past few weeks, I've had the great fortune of being able to look around and notice the small things.  The little things that have added up to this wonderful life we are enjoying together.  Like our pantry stocked full of everything and anything we want.  My closet spare bedroom, which holds many years of memories between photo albums, and old (but still very comfy and functional) clothes that I hold on to, even if I just wear them around the house.  His garage, neatly organized and full of grease and tools, and all things manly.  Our furry babies and their chew-toys and rawhide's that are constantly tripped over.  The mail box.  Yes, the mail box.  It holds the bills that we pay, and are blessed to be able to pay on time.
As I sat and just soaked in life the other day in my kitchen, I was left in awe.  How different life can be if you make the choice to change.
I honestly always thought my life would be that of a "rock star".  Wild.  Crazy.  Party after party.  Early demise. All of that. Even as a child, I had a wide range of "future predictions", I had dreams of "living on the edge", always city to city meeting different people, and crazy situations.  And then there were the white picket fences dreams of a big smile on my husbands face as he came home from work, while I had a baby on my hip, one in a high chair and few playing upstairs....At one point I actually wanted to have 10 (yes TEN) children.  
Thank God, I'm right in the middle of those childhood dreams! Ha!
But seriously, I love coming home to my "children", my love, and getting dinner ready no matter how sore my feet are or how tired I am.  I love to continually pick things up that aren't mine and put them where they belong, just to see them back where I picked them up from in 5 minutes.  I really do enjoy being..."domesticated"...(go ahead get it out...GASP)  I see nothing wrong with me never pumping gas, and him never sewing a torn part of his work jacket.  Or me being the one to take the pups to all their appointments, and him being the one to do all the vehicle maintenance .  I like the "old-fashioned" way of things in our lives.
Last night Mark was exhausted, and he'd really had a long, cold day at work yesterday, and I knew it.  So I told him I was headed out to run some errands, that since I had to drop off a bill, and stop by to drop off something else for a client, and then go to 2 stores, I knew he probably wasn't up for driving me all around.  But, he said he'd be happy to come, so off we went.  We enjoyed our time together, even though it was nothing particularly special, and just as we approached the house, he noticed the time (barely after 9pm) and he jokingly said "Damn woman, look what you did, you tricked me! Got me out here clubbin' all hours of the night, and on a Wednesday night at that!  I need to be in bed getting my sleep for work tomorrow."  At that comment, we both were in stitches, almost brought to tears laughing at how "old" we have gotten.  For a long, long time, the two of us "clubbing" on a Wednesday night was nothing out of the ordinary, and as we brought our Sam's Club items into the house last night, I thought about how much I really did love my domesticated life.
Whatever you truly want your life to it.  Don't settle for anything less, and don't look for the approval of others before your own.  And never, ever stop believing. 

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