Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Another day has passed

Weariness.  Just the sound of the name brings about visions of damp, grey, gloomy weather.  Which, is a more perfect description of how I've felt most of the day.  I've had my high moments.  Moments where I forced a smile.  A real smile.  Not the "there I did it" smile.  Or the "I'll pitifully smile to make you happy" smile.  A real, genuine, pearly whites showin' smile.
While the devil is sneaking in (very unfairly I might add) at the darkest hours trying to make what are already "tough" situations even tough-er...God's grace shines through.  He reminds me, mercifully, that things have been far worse, and He uses all things for His good.  He reminds me all too often that I am not the one who has to carry the weight of my loved ones burdens, and that I have Him to carry me when my burdens are too heavy for me to walk.
Keep praying. Keep believing.  Keep praying.  Keep believing.   Keep  praying.   Keep  believing.    Keep   praying.    Keep   believing.          Keep       praying.          Keep       believing.

Good night my dears, may all of you be blessed, through the darkness and the light!

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