Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Our challenge...

It's been a long time...too long since I've blogged.  Many of nights I've sat up, unable to think, and due to Mark's sensitive (almost blind) eye, unable to keep a light on for reading.  I've only been able to think...about life...about God...about new challenges...about conquered challenges.  All perfect for blogging, but just haven't gotten down to it.  
So...today's "thoughts" have been on how   I   no, we have been planning to live out our lives "debt-free".  Basically, we don't want anything other than God to own our belongings.  So, we have sacrificed, and honestly it's not been that hard.  We've bought cars, much older cars, paid in full, and have put a couple dollars into making them run like new, and diligently keep up on the maintenance.  I certainly remember the days of brand new car smell, nice beautiful leather seats, awesome stereo systems, heated seats, adjustable foot pedals...but, I especially remember the $600 per month payments.  Only to have the threat of that nice car being taken away should I not be able to pay.  Yea, I don't miss that feeling.  While I've never owned a credit card, I used to think if I just got one, how happy I would be to be able to get the things I "needed" right away.  (Thank you God for not giving me the opportunity to fail miserably in that area!)
So, what brought this on today?  Our hand-me-down vacuum cleaner bit the dust over a week ago, and I (who clean houses for others to make a living) really cannot stand a dirty house, particularly a dirty floor, mainly because I like walking around my house barefoot.  Ok, so the vacuum died, and previously I had told Mark that when it died I really wanted to look at getting a Dyson.  Dyson's aren't cheap, by any means, but are in my experience and opinion the best.  So I looked into it.  I had the savings to get the brand new one that I really liked.  But thankfully, God gave me the insight to think further than my current predicament.  I knew I had been saving for several things.  For instance, a new camera, our trip to Italy next June, Christmas gifts, and just a general savings for the "what-if's" of life.  Did I really want to use up over half of my savings for a purchase that yes was needed, but not necessarily on that extravagant of a level?  The honest truth was, No.  No I did not want to do that.  And then...His mercy was shown on my obedience just THINKING the right way, and being willing to ACCEPT what I knew was right, and an ad on craigslist came up for a used Dyson $25!  Now, this Dyson needed some work, some time, some effort.  It badly needed cleaned, and deodorized, and may possibly need a new filter if this cleaning doesn't work.  But it runs great, and does the exact job(s) I NEED it for!  It may not seem like much to you, but to me, it's amazing.  Just by thinking clearly, and past the first impulsive nature to "get it because I need it anyway, why not get the best" is a miracle for me, but then to be rewarded for that behavior, something I should be doing anyway....yea, that's amazing.
I doubt we will accomplish this "debt-free" lifetime goal blemish free.  I do NOT doubt that we will be continuously held up by His righteousness if we give all our best efforts at listening to what He is calling us to do, and how to live.  I certainly do not put anyone down for having credit-cards, at all.  This is the way we've been called to live, and for good reason.  
With all this being said, and two rambunctious puppies playfully getting tangled at my feet (and in my computer wires) I am going to call it a night.